Thursday, November 11, 2010

Create A Book For Your Art Business

One way to accent your talents and beef up your profits is to create your own book. Your book can be about you, your artwork or your career. It is one more way to get your work in front of the eyes of thousands of people and another thing you can sell at shows or even Amazon and your website. If you think creating your own book is difficult, think again. It has never been easier to write and publish your own book with what is called Self-Publishing.

Self publishing or Print-on-Demand, is a service that uploads your Word documents and cover art and print the books for you at a very low cost. You can have as little as 1 to 10,000 printed for you to sell from a website or take with you to shows., owned and operated by Amazon, is the #1 source of POD book publishing on the web. It has never been as easy as now to have a book of your very own.

A book can build prestige for your career and your business. People not only would be impressed with seeing your own book presented at your show booth, they would buy it too. This could be an important source of revenue added to your artwork sales. Books help all sorts of businesses, not just artists, to get the needed publicity they need to get on radio, TV, magazines and newspapers. Publicity is a great thing for an artist of any kind, especially locally, to bring in new customers. A book that is instructional in nature can sell very well on it's own, from booksellers all over the world, online and off.

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