The Internet has changed the landscape with respect to copyright. Formerly as publishers would be guardians jealous of their material and could even send lawyers after you if the copied without permission. But now the Web 2. 0 sites such as YouTube support users to copy their equipment, get more exposure and get more traffic.
So what changed and what you can do about it?
First, understand that copyright kernel does not change Anything, published by the user, it is still copyright cannot copy without their consent.
In fact, I know someone just to receive a letter from the wonder and the great Bill for a law firm representing the photo, alleging she used one of their photos in enabled licence.est, its graphic designer without the use of photographs is on its Web site.
So careful with what you think of the Internet if nothing is easier, it is not difficult for the copyright holder track criminals.
But most people give their consent.
The big change is that more people will be allowed for other copy of their matériel.Je said earlier that YouTube videos which cease its way you exact instructions for a copy of one of their video on your website or blog.
Another system of copyright, which is still the "Creative Commons" - the is very useful to know how it works, because it allows you to use the equipment of others - with their permission. who love YouTube for photos, for example the photographer to make their photos available for other uses.Flickr might be a good source of images PowerPoint presentations, Word documents, books, electronic books and other publications.
Here is how it works...
By default, the photos on Flickr, but optional.Copyright, photographer may grant the following rights:
Distribution: you must provide a credit for non-commercial use of their photos: you can only use for purposes not commerciales.Aucun derived work: displays topics photos.Les: unless you change the photograph of the product, the product to make it available to other users in the same way.
These rights may be combinées.par example, means "derivative works not + commercial assignment" photos cannot be used in its original form for purposes commercial .d ' on the other hand, it means simply "the distribution of the Sun" by using commercial derivative works (but still below its original form).
To potential users, the least restrictive license is called the "price", this means that we can free of charge for commercial purposes and change, as we are the photographer original.Si attribute you have a photo in a book, for example, where the attribute appears in photography or confirmation pages.
If the number of photos is available in this way?
Here is the good time writing was Flickr, more than 22 million images that are available for use under license attribution-only! a huge collection of choice, it is an excellent starting point if you are looking for an image to use in presentations, documents or products.
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