Monday, November 1, 2010

The realization of information on the restriction of the product

When you create your product information should always take your audience the ability to process information. This is true, if you speak of blocks of information, or simply display.

Cognitive boundary - line seven more or less two - is the expression of the ability of the public to absorb and process information .Touche everything what to do when you create your product information now nothing forces pay attention to these restrictions is after all the product, but it will significantly affect how your audience will see the quality of product.

That means that average seven more or less two mean?

Nine entries in the brain needs to process the information in the long terme.mémoire short-term memory cannot contain more than nine points.five elements brains decide it is not so important information and is processed and short-term memory.If the number of items in the approaches the confines of his brain begins to switch between two situations.

Then, how to use this spiritual trek in our products?

The first use is in recognition of the concept of mentale.En noise, for example, the amount of information, which is a call for an increase in the attention of the person, their ability to process information.

What it means for us as the creator of the product information?

First of all, this means that all numbers in the rest of the article should be regarded as a maximum.Si is part of the audience with the information you need to know the number of the objective of achieving the same level of information. for example, today, the three elements is not usually considered four is optimal.

Secondly, this means that when you apply (i.e., direct product presentation), consider the environment - General and immediate. The public is always better if you give them a quiet environment and calm with few irrelevant information.The environment outside the area of education, however, also have an impact on the ability to absorb the information.

Thirdly, it means that we must adapt our presentation based on the environment, may need to be overcome the external stimulus to be heard at all, you'll need to shout.metaphorically to be heard!

Go to the cognitive edge, it is clear that used on the cognitive brain begins at sunset pay attention to three, four and five elements.According to tradition, it has been suggested that four optimum points for most of the slides.Why?while at four points of the brain, "said," the warning, it can be important for "wave, and presenter."drive home without overloading the five subject public data was too because the public will also be considerable attention on the slide.

The third is on the side of the anticyclone .organiser product information, it is possible that we are inclined to more than nine items of information in our produit.Malheureusement, our brain can not deal with as much information in memory in the short term, but also we treat the information directly into memory for long terme.le result? frame with more than nine components that you have a public, would be to ignore the diapositive.Il goes dormir.vous perdrez.le less than optimal chapters or sections of information, the modules-is still number sept.Toutefois, slide, for example, written for the non-seminar or webinar really limit the modules you need more than five.

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